Tuesday, July 15, 2008

From Mom's Point of View.

This is what I see 99% of the day. Love that sweet left hand and the little boy attached to it.

Get This Kid An Agent.

Impromptu photo session from Monday that proceeded the "under the coffee table" bust.

Master of the Roll.

Luke's most prominent developmental delay has been his physicality. He's gotten really good at sitting on his own but needs to be put in that position (he can't sit up on his own.) He also has not made any attempt at crawling.

Therefore, he depends on rolling. He's getting really fast and can go both ways (the bum right arm isn't stopping him anymore.) His left leg even seems to be getting in the action lately.

Luke was playing on the floor in our family room yesterday and didn't like the selection of toys I presented him with. Since there were others under the coffee table, he helped himself. I'm waiting to find him completely under the table one of these days...


"Oh, hey!"

The much desired green bowl.

Everything goes in the mouth (a.k.a. "The 3rd Hand.")

Baptism Pictures.

Just some pictures that were taken on July 6, 2008 (the completion/continuation of Luke's Baptism.)

Luke & Grandma Chrissy

Dad, Mom & Luke at Mission San Luis Obispo.

Aly Archuleta (Godmother), Mom, Deacon Chuck, Luke, Dad & Uncle David Henard (Godfather) after mass.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Our Weekend continued...

Here's another video that Matt put together of footage from this weekend. We better watch out or Hollywood is going to steal our resident filmmaker away from us!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Catholic Church's Newest Member.

Two days after Luke was born he was baptized in the NICU at Sierra Vista Hospital. It was a legitimate baptism but the ceremony was horribly somber and lacked the traditional Catholic elements that come with a proper church service. Also missing were Luke's godparents- David (Matt's brother) and Aly (one of my oldest and dearest friends.)

March 29, 2007

We decided to do a redo/completion of the baptism at our parish (Mission San Luis Obispo) this past Sunday. Luke, along with 2 other babies, went through the standard ceremony only Luke did not received the water poured over his head like the other two. Most of our family was in attendance and it was much more joyous (though still with tears!) then the previous occasion.

Grandpa Jim and Grandma Stephanie (my dad and step mom) were kind enough to gift us this past weekend with a video camera. Whereas I am our little family's official photographer and blog-master, Matt has now taken over video recording and editing duties.

Without further ado- I present Luke's baptism. I hope to get some pictures up soon (I didn't take any so I have to wait for submissions) but this video does a wonderful (and brief) job of capturing Luke's moment being officially welcomed into the Catholic church.

NOTE: Deacon Chuck made the story a little more dramatic then it was. Luke was baptized on a Thursday and he was transferred to Stanford the following Monday- no helicopter was waiting in the wings (but he was transferred via helicopter.)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Luke's Lessons in Litigation.

Ok, not really so much "lessons" as time spent hanging out last weekend with Uncle Chris (my brother) and his girlfriend, Gina. They came down from San Francisco and spent the weekend in SLO. Both are lawyers and I'm very proud of my brother so I had to work that in the title.

Luke enjoying swimming with Uncle Chris at the condo pool.

Lucky Luke- handsome boy genes run on both sides of the family.

Luke and Gina. Again, lucky Luke.

Luke's Lady Love.

We have been amazingly blessed to have wonderful babysitters for Luke. Manya is our "regular" sitter and Luke adores her. I was doing dishes and caught this sweet shot of them hanging out on the front lawn.

Who can resist a boy in denim overalls?

Manya's name is pronounced "Mon-ya" so it's really cute when Luke tries to say it- it comes out "Mama." On second thought maybe that's not so cute... (Just kidding)

Enjoying a Bit of the Bubbly.

And straight up ROCKIN' the bubble bath mohawk.