Thursday, February 17, 2011

To Answer Your Question...

I keep getting asked if Luke is ready to be a big brother. I guess we won't truly know until Baby G. arrives but if this picture is any indication- yes.

Luke and his "baby" watching TV on Monday. Happy Valentine's Day!

Another Baby G Update

I had another ultrasound on February 11th to check-in on the baby. Everything looks great and she's getting big! The doctor estimated her at 7 lbs. 14 oz. on the 11th and the length of her femur is like 2 weeks ahead of her due date so she's tall. I'm going to guess she's going to be about 22 inches tall and about 8 1/2 lbs. Hard to believe that I have that much baby packed inside of me right now!

Baby face! Her chubby cheek and right eye are at the top and her mouth is to the left. The doctor kept gushing about how sweet her cheeks are so she had to print out a picture for us!

The plan is she will be delivered on Tuesday, February 22nd at Sierra Vista Hospital in SLO via c-section. It's all scheduled for 12:30pm so assuming it all goes as planned- we'll be a family of 4 by THIS COMING Tuesday afternoon!

I'll try to get her info and pictures up as soon as I'm coherent and able. Stay tuned!

Big Boy Room

Since Baby Sister is taking over Luke's old room, we moved Luke into what was the guest room. Matt painted the walls a lighter blue and we got him a whole new furniture set. We're very happy with the way it turned out and Luke is just beside himself to now have a big boy room. We were smart in moving him in there in September so he's totally adjusted (and not feeling like he got the boot from the baby's room/his crib) but we just finished decorating and re-doing his closet in January so it's only been totally complete a short time.

Luke and Daddy working on the train artwork for the wall.

Dad tracing out the train. Thanks to the Valadao Family for the fantastic decorating idea!

Luke's completed Big Boy Room!

Matt traced and painted this train onto 3 canvasses. The outcome is amazing!

A different view.

Yet another view- including my boys and Brobee (green character). Luke is a big fan of the bean bag chair.

Just a happy guy.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Brotherly Love

Luke seems to understand that baby sister is soon coming to live with us and that she's currently hanging out in my belly. He often tells us that "Oh- baby sister is kicking me" while clutching his belly and he asks questions like "Will baby sister come in the front door or back door?" and "Can I hold baby sister?" He's also convinced that she will be sharing his bed with him and that she will be sitting right next to him at the table eating what he eats her first day home. It's so incredibly sweet that I'm getting more and more anxious for them to actually meet!

He's all about lovin' baby sister. Let's hope it continues!

36 weeks 2 days!

Twice a week I go in for non-stress tests to check baby's heartbeat for 20-30 minutes. I can honestly say that this has been what has kept me sane since before Christmas. It's so reassuring to hear my little lady's heart beating strong along with all the crazy noises the machine makes when she start squirming- and she seems to love to put on a show!

I've only taken Luke to one appointment by myself after he proved himself to be good when Aunt Gena brought him to one. It's unnerving because I'm strapped to a machine and he IS NOT but he's such a good boy and was so patient. He asked about a million times if he can hear baby sister's "heartbeep" too so we played pretend after I got done.

Luckily he was okay with not having the gel and actual fetal monitors hooked up. Just reclining in the chair next to the computer was enough for him!

All Hands on Deck

With my due date for Baby G. fast approaching, we've been fortunate that so many friends and family have offered us help. With a very talkative, social Luke wanting all eyes on him 24/7 it's great to have an extra loved one around to entertain him.

My good friend Aly came a few weekends ago and not only helped with Luke but got my booty in gear and helped me sort and purge all of Luke's baby stuff that I stored up in the attic (like 13 big storage bins worth!) Then shortly after Matt's Aunt Gena came during the week and stayed a few days with us. She was a great babysitter and taxi driver and I was able to get Baby G. room organized and set up- we're pretty much ready to go!

Luke and Aunt Gena

A big thanks to everyone for all of the love and support the last 8+ months. We're very fortunate to be so well loved!

The Wheels on the Bus...

Because of Luke's special needs, taking the bus to and from school has been available to him since he started school last spring. I could not even fathom putting my sweet baby boy on a bus all by himself then but as he's gotten older and is craving more independence (not to mention he loves watching the buses come and go at school) Matt and I finally decided it was time. So Luke now takes the bus to school all three days he goes, getting on at 7:13am on the corner by our house (I walk him) and then home again two of those days.

I made sure to get a few pictures the morning of Day 1. Zero tears and lots of smiles. And no problems so far either going or coming home!

Bus Driver Kristin getting Luke all buckled in!

He's stoked and ready to go!

Such a big boy with his backback.

Still breaks my heart every time he rides away. But it's good for him and he likes it! That's my mantra as I walk back up the street...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Truth In (On) Pajamas

Luke joined me up in San Jose for my shower weekend. I found these pajamas for him at Target late one night during our visit. So appropriate...

Taken at 10:33pm at Grandma Carole's... (the pajamas say "Grandma Lets Me Stay Up Late").

Baby Shower(s)- Take 2!

Due to Luke's early arrival, I never had a proper baby shower. I had two planned but Luke showed up a few days before the first one and was up at Stanford when the second one was due to take place in SLO. But because I have AMAZING friends and family, I finally got my showers! The first was thrown by Theta sisters for myself and another Theta sister, Melissa. It was so special and Nicole, Heidi and Jill did an incredible job.

(From left) Nicole, Me, Melissa, Heidi and Jill- love you girls!

My mom got together with Natalie, a very good family friend, and threw me my second shower the next day. It was at Natalie's beautiful home and the spread was unreal! So many friends and family members came and it was just perfect. I'm a very lucky mommy!

Somehow I didn't get a picture with my mom, Natalie and I. But from left, here is Cyndi (Natalie's fantastic mom and a huge help with the shower!), Carole (my mom) and Natalie. I LOVE these ladies!

Food! It was catered and was amazing! I'm craving those little coconut shrimp again just thinking about it...

Thanks to the lovely hostesses and for everyone who came and showered me with love, support and generous gifts. Baby G. is already so loved and I can't wait to tell her about these excellent celebrations in our honor!

All About Oral Hygiene

Luke is very fortunate to have a great dentist who makes his visits very enjoyable. The office is beautiful and everyone is so nice- he asks to go all the time! He loves it so much- I do believe dentistry may be in his future...

Barely lets me brush his teeth but he'll let the hygienist scrape them?!

Dr. Luke is now available. Dr. Newsom (left) thinks he's funny but she may be out of a job soon...

Dr. Luke concludes every exam in the fun spinning chair in front of the always fascinating computer.

Proud (embarrassed!) to report that Luke walked out to the parking lot in this get-up but told a lovely office lady to go back to her office and get back to work prior. That Dr. Luke...