Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Return of Carter Cakes.

Amber, Carter and Amber's mom, Debbie, came over for a play date today. It basically consisted of Luke throwing toys at too-young-to-throw-back Carter. Luke was more relaxed then he has been around younger babies so I'm guessing that the many babies & toddlers at the Gnesda family party on Saturday was his little crash course in self control.

Carter got to try out Luke's Bumbo and Luke was his usual social self. I still can't believe how giant Luke is in comparison (they are almost exactly a year apart with Luke's actual, non-adjusted age.) Carter has grown so much though just in the last month.

Mommy Amber told me she doesn't have a nickname for Carter so I told her I'm calling him "Carter Cakes" (not very original but he is sweet and you do want to eat him up...)

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