Tuesday, July 14, 2009

And You Are?

If the random bouts of vomiting weren't enough, Luke is also teething. Combine those parental nightmares with the fact that he's TWO... Ugh.

So I thought I would provide photographic proof in a scene from our day on Monday. Luke is reacting to me taking away the remote control to the TV in Matt and my room (he's on our bed.) Luke decided to THROW IT as hard as he could, smashing it against the headboard and shattering it in 4 pieces. I would not give it back so chaos ensued.

Just getting started...

Fortunately, a nearby paper towel added so some extra flair to the performance...

"Bow nose" and SCENE.

Paging Dr. Sherlock Holmes.


Since mid-April, Luke has been battling sudden, random bouts of illness. It always comes on in the morning and it's been happening every couple of weeks or so. The "episodes" usually last anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours and involve him vomiting up everything he's eaten for the past 2 weeks (not really- just seems like that much.) We're in constant contact with our pediatrician, Dr. Bravo, as well as Neurosurgery up at Stanford. Neurosurgery does not think it's shunt related (he's had a CT scan that came back normal) so we're moving on to examining his G.I. system. Luke is scheduled to have upper G.I. and small bowel series of xrays on Thursday morning.

We've examined his diet (food allergy?) and he's on a regular dose of Miralax to keep him going the bathroom (we thought it might be due to constipation) but nothing is proving constant. The only thing that is constant is that it happens in the morning, as I said, and that it's occurring every couple of weeks on average. That part is so odd.

The scariest thing is how sudden it comes on, how sick Luke is (he just throws up, cries and only wants Matt or I) and then as quickly as it comes on, he's fine. The last time was on Sunday (see above picture) but the time before that was July 3rd. He was throwing up every 15 minutes for an hour in the late morning but was starving and back to his happy, normal self by lunch time.
Blessedly, my good friend Christina was here for one of the episodes. She was able to drive Luke and I to Dr. Bravo so he could examine Luke mid-episode. At the time he thought it was constipation-related (he pressed on Luke's stomach and he almost immediately vomited) but he felt he definitely wasn't having a seizure (a very real possibility) so that's good news. The Neurosurgery nurse practitioner at Stanford said that examination was key because Dr. Bravo has now seen for himself what we're dealing with when this does occur. It's not just mom being over-dramatic!

We're still not entirely convinced it's not shunt related. My gut feeling is that it has to do with the tubing that is in his stomach. It may not be effecting his brain but the tubing may be interfering with other organs down there. That tubing was put in when Luke was 1 month old and I have to imagine that a lot can change in his system with growth. And since he has extra tubing in him for growth purposes, the possibility of it moving and disrupting other parts of his system has to be high. But I'm not a doctor so all we have is our knowledge of Luke, my relentless note-taking (it involves spreadsheets, charts and graphs- very impressive) and my ability to call and call and call until something gets resolved.

That's where we are with him medically at this time. Hopefully we can get this all resolved before we start our eye doctor appointments next month and September (surgery is a very real possibility) and our trip to LA in the fall (hopefully) to finally meet with Dr. Sanger, the movement disorder specialist.
Please keep our little Linda Blair (I can't remember what her character's name was in "The Exorcist"- you get the idea) in your thoughts and prayers. Until then, I'll be covering our house in plastic and buying lots of extra laundry detergent...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

It Is Definitely Summer.

Because Luke is sporting major tan lines from his glasses. Specifically, a brown little nose.

Luke loves to "bow bubbles" and "kick kick kick!" in the pool.

4th of July '09

The Henard family spent a quiet weekend at home in celebration of the 4th. Grandma Carole and Grandpa John came to visit and we just swam, hung out and ate.

Cheers to a morning hangout on the front porch. Jammies and coffee required.

Showing off a little chest for the ladies.

The boys by the pool.

If you don't watch him like a hawk, he WILL scoot to the side of the pool and "1,2,3!" in. Good thing we're taking swim lessons.

Sweet sunscreen-covered cheeks.

Not super excited about getting out. Grandma is attempting to distract with loves.

We grilled steak for dinner. Luke preferred the beans.

Luke and Daddy with their matching goatees.

Nothing like ice-cold watermelon on sore gums (the bottom molar on his left is coming in right now).

Our little Drama King.

We watched fireworks on TV but I think next year we will have to go see them in person. Luke loves flashing lights and loud, surprising noises so I definitely think he'll be old enough and will enjoy them.

The Apple's Proximity to the Tree.

If there is ever any question that this child is mine, let me enter this picture as Exhibit A:

Baby's First Clorox Wipe.

I was cleaning the kitchen the other day and Luke BEGGED to help mommy clean. Please notice the giant smile on his face while cleaning. My heart is so full of pride right now!