Monday, June 23, 2008

Bulldog Baseball.

Fresno State's baseball team is in the College World Series championship game today. Yesterday they played (& won) their semi-final game but unfortunately, Matt could only watch it in the office on the computer. Luke had to join the fun in cheering for daddy's hometown team! Go Bulldogs!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Beating the Heat.

SLO had a record setting heat wave last week so Luke and I logged some pool time at the condo. The water temp was perfect and going later in the day helped us sleep better (but not much) at night. 113 (on Friday) is just unheard of in our area and with no air conditioning in our house, we are very lucky to have access to a nice pool.

Smiling through the sweat.

"Hello ladies."

Put on this earth for mommy to torture...

Sayonara Sippy Cup.

After a few quick attempts at showing Luke how to use a straw, he completely embraced the concept last week and the sippy cups are now history. He still shows no inclination to hold the cup on his own during meals (you have to offer it to him) but it's progress. That pesky right arm/hand just doesn't want to help out so it's hard for the guy to try to coordinate everything with just his left. I'm setting him up in our recliner with his new cup (see above) to just let him practice and help him try to figure it out.

Now when Matt and I are drinking out of a cup with a straw, we get a very pleading look (and more often then not- an open mouth) from Mr. Luke. Wait until he figures out straight drinking from a cup and gets a taste of a cold beer!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day with The Fish.

Matt started out his Father's Day at Lake Lopez fishing, spent the afternoon swimming with Luke and ended the day eating sushi. We went for a whole "fish theme" this year (and no, the sushi was not fish that Matt caught in the morning.) What can I say- we live near a the beach, a lake and a pool. Water and its inhabitants are good. Wait until we get a boat one of these days!

All of these pictures are either of Matt with Luke or were taken by Matt at the pool post-swimming (such a ready subject our darling child is!) We did use the wonderful swim saucer again but we were both in the pool with him so we didn't want to chance the camera being that close to its possible demise.

The pool at my mom's condo in SLO (it's heated!)

Wanting to get back in the water. Our sunglasses were not yet sufficiently water-spotted.

Nothing beats a sweet baby wrapped in a towel.

He knows we struggle to say "no" to this face ("Na" in Luke-speak.)

Very handsome.

Big Boy Bath.

I ditched the bath chair on a whim the other night and decided to see if Luke was strong enough to keep balanced in the tub on his own. Success! He still hunches over a lot but his balance is so much better and with only one tip-over spill (I caught him- no tears!) we're going to keep this method up from now on. Much more work for me and maybe not getting quite as thorough a cleaning (hard to get those toes up to scrub so we do it under water now) but it's moving Luke in the right direction and it will get easier with time.

Action shot (mid-splash) and the famous shampoo mohawk!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Return of Carter Cakes.

Amber, Carter and Amber's mom, Debbie, came over for a play date today. It basically consisted of Luke throwing toys at too-young-to-throw-back Carter. Luke was more relaxed then he has been around younger babies so I'm guessing that the many babies & toddlers at the Gnesda family party on Saturday was his little crash course in self control.

Carter got to try out Luke's Bumbo and Luke was his usual social self. I still can't believe how giant Luke is in comparison (they are almost exactly a year apart with Luke's actual, non-adjusted age.) Carter has grown so much though just in the last month.

Mommy Amber told me she doesn't have a nickname for Carter so I told her I'm calling him "Carter Cakes" (not very original but he is sweet and you do want to eat him up...)

An Update. Minus the Update.

Yesterday Luke and I visited with his opthomologist, Dr. Stathacopolous. Since it had been one year since his last full exam, this one was a big one. She did the "regular" battery of little tests (tracking, watching him look at things, etc.) and then dilated his poor little eyes...
Luke would only wear these long enough to take one picture. He's that tough.

We returned to her office 45 minutes later (that's how long it takes the drops to kick in) and the fun began. Luke is infamous for "burying" his eyes when he gets stressed or is tired (basically just looking as far down as his eyeballs will allow.) Unfortunately, you can hold open an eye but you can't make the eyeball look up and Luke was in full-bury mode. For what seemed like an eternity, Dr. S. held each of Luke's eyes open, light blazing, waiting for a glimpse inside while I had him on my lap, his arms pulled straight up around his head to keep them out of the way and hold his head straight. I also had to keep his left leg (he kicks when he screams) pinned down between my knees so he wouldn't kick Dr. S. in the face. He went from crying to screaming to moaning "mama, mama..." It was one of the most difficult, heart-wrenching moments of my life.

Fortunately, Dr. S. got a quick peek at each eyeball and seemed satisfied with the results (checking out the optic nerves & his prescription- it's slight.) After the chaos died down, she told me that she wants Luke to go up to Stanford and meet with their opthomologists. She admits that she does not know why Luke controls his eyes the way he does. She would love to do surgery to make control easier but there is no consistency so she doesn't know how much to shorten the eye muscles. She predicts that they will stabilize as he gets older but she wants to pick the other doctors' brains before Luke is too much older. Dr. S. doesn't want to find out later that something should have been done sooner.

We respect Dr. S.'s humble admission that she does not have all the answers. She said this is not an emergency so we hope to be in contact with Stanford next week and get an appointment set up for sometime in the near future.

The worst prognosis has already been disproved (blindness) so we're not immensely upset by this recent turn of events. Our biggest concern is what this eye control is currently doing to his balance and how it's ultimately effecting his mobility (he only rolls.) I've heard the eye muscle surgery can be very helpful in progression of movement.

We have since recovered from our stressful appointment but Luke's eyes are still slightly dilated (we were told to expect this.) We will be sure to keep everyone updated as we find out more. San Jose folks may be seeing us again sooner rather then later!

The Magical World of Sacramento.

Ridiculously early Saturday morning, Luke, Grandpa Jim, Grandma Stephanie and I headed up to the Sacramento area to visit with friends and relatives. We promptly headed over to Cousin Carla & Lance's house (along with their sons, Mark & Stewart) in Lincoln. We stayed with them most of the day and for the night but Luke and I headed over to Aunt Renee & Uncle Mario's in Rocklin for a short time before we headed down (?) to the Gnesda family party in Elk Grove that evening. Zoe Gnesda is a sorority sister of mine and she, her husband James and oldest daughter, Carolyn, just welcomed new daughter/sister, Evelyn.

As evident by my lack of a photo narrative, I was very bad in getting any pictures of our busy Saturday. But we had a great time and enjoyed our numerous visits. We were even lucky enough to meet up with Ann Phillips (another sorority sister and old roommate) and her daughters, Susie and Claire, at the Gnesda party. The day was topped off with an amazing late supper at Lance & Carla's house.

Sunday morning we were all treated to Lance's incredible french toast. Luke loved it as did we all. Nicole Hara (another sorority sister!) made the trip out to Lincoln (from Sac) to visit with Luke and I at Lance & Carla's. My cousin's were so kind in letting me have a friend over and spoiled us, yet again, with a tasty lunch. I miss Nicole so much so it was great being able to catch up with her (and munch on lemon squares & chocolate krinkles!) as Luke napped.

Lance & Carla have a pool and I was dying to take Luke swimming. I seriously came armed with a dozen swim diapers, baby suntan lotion, 2 pairs of swim trunks, a swim shirt, swim hat and, the most important item, the swim saucer. I took Luke into the pool by myself first and he was totally fine with it. We placed him in his swim saucer and, no surprise here, he LOVED it!

We are so fortunate to have such special friends and family. Our weekend was so much fun and we can't express how grateful we are to Lance, Carla, Mark & Stewart for their hospitality! And thank you to Zoe & James for the wonderful party (and Ann for making the not-so-fun trip!) and my darling Nicole for coming over to visit us (we PROMISE to visit you and Scott next time!) And Matt will be sure to join us on our next trip!

What a great way to start the summer!

"Shapes are in My Cookie Jar..."

Our current toy of choice is the cookie jar on the right. It has 6 shape blocks that Luke enjoys removing one by one and dropping/throwing. I'm working on showing him how to put them back in the jar but that's not half as fun as getting them out. The major downside to this toy is the one horrible song it plays. Welcome to the repetitive, high-pitched world of toddler toys!

The Kiddos.

These guys are the best of friends. This completely un-posed picture was taken the day (last Wednesday) that Luke and I left for San Jose/Stanford/Sacramento/San Jose (crazy trip!) When we got home on Monday, I thought Lola was going to pass out from the excitement. Her "pack" was back together and she was hell bent on kissing Luke from head to toe. Rocco is always wanting to kiss Luke so that didn't change. I just love all of my babies to pieces.

Good Things Come...

After a crazy last couple of weeks, we're finally home and trying to get settled (my laundry pile is staggering at the moment.) Hang tight and I will have, at the very least, a picture of Luke swimming (he LOVES it!) up by the end of the week...