Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Magical World of Sacramento.

Ridiculously early Saturday morning, Luke, Grandpa Jim, Grandma Stephanie and I headed up to the Sacramento area to visit with friends and relatives. We promptly headed over to Cousin Carla & Lance's house (along with their sons, Mark & Stewart) in Lincoln. We stayed with them most of the day and for the night but Luke and I headed over to Aunt Renee & Uncle Mario's in Rocklin for a short time before we headed down (?) to the Gnesda family party in Elk Grove that evening. Zoe Gnesda is a sorority sister of mine and she, her husband James and oldest daughter, Carolyn, just welcomed new daughter/sister, Evelyn.

As evident by my lack of a photo narrative, I was very bad in getting any pictures of our busy Saturday. But we had a great time and enjoyed our numerous visits. We were even lucky enough to meet up with Ann Phillips (another sorority sister and old roommate) and her daughters, Susie and Claire, at the Gnesda party. The day was topped off with an amazing late supper at Lance & Carla's house.

Sunday morning we were all treated to Lance's incredible french toast. Luke loved it as did we all. Nicole Hara (another sorority sister!) made the trip out to Lincoln (from Sac) to visit with Luke and I at Lance & Carla's. My cousin's were so kind in letting me have a friend over and spoiled us, yet again, with a tasty lunch. I miss Nicole so much so it was great being able to catch up with her (and munch on lemon squares & chocolate krinkles!) as Luke napped.

Lance & Carla have a pool and I was dying to take Luke swimming. I seriously came armed with a dozen swim diapers, baby suntan lotion, 2 pairs of swim trunks, a swim shirt, swim hat and, the most important item, the swim saucer. I took Luke into the pool by myself first and he was totally fine with it. We placed him in his swim saucer and, no surprise here, he LOVED it!

We are so fortunate to have such special friends and family. Our weekend was so much fun and we can't express how grateful we are to Lance, Carla, Mark & Stewart for their hospitality! And thank you to Zoe & James for the wonderful party (and Ann for making the not-so-fun trip!) and my darling Nicole for coming over to visit us (we PROMISE to visit you and Scott next time!) And Matt will be sure to join us on our next trip!

What a great way to start the summer!

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