Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Miss Me?

After taking a very long break, we're back! I'm not going to make excuses (or empty promises) so here's February in a nutshell.

Luke is obsessed with sitting on the "biig boyeee potty." Not so interested in actually being potty trained- just likes sitting there. And lecturing Lola from his throne, obviously.

The one day is didn't rain (we're seriously over the wet weather) we ventured out on a bike ride which Luke loved.

Nothing like huffing and puffing up a hill with a 2 year old behind you yelling "FAST! Go FAST!!"

Daddy turned 35 on February 6th so Papa and Grandma Chrissy came to celebrate with us. Luke would scoot into the guest room for a week following their visit and ask where Grandma Chrissy and Papa were. So to say he was happy the came is an understatement.
Daddy had an assistant whether he liked or not.

Showing Papa how it's done.

The rarely captured Luke attitude. He WOULD NOT smile. Kissing Daddy's new video game is the best he would do.

Again- no smile. Although he was VERY proud of the painting that he made Daddy. He chose the colors and I helped facilitate on the kitchen floor one rainy afternoon. Let the record show I allowed my 2 year old to paint in the house.

Happy 35th Birthday to Matt!

There's a few other things we did but mainly we have been super low-key. The weather has been so nasty that indoors is the only option. Plus, March is a BIG month in Luke's life (birthday boy!!) so we're gearing up for not only that but the time change and (HOPEFULLY) drier weather!