Luke was scheduled to have a check-up with Stanford neurosurgery on December 8th necessitating a trip up to the Bay Area. A week prior, Stanford called and rescheduled (how dare they!) but we decided to head up for a visit nonetheless.
Overall, I was lazy in picture taking but we did go up to Pleasanton and see Uncle Brad and Aunt Sarah (newlyweds!) and checkout their new home. Since it was beyond freezing outside, we stayed in, ordered pizza and visited. Luke was happy to see Uncle Brad and Aunt Sarah but was less then thrilled to meet their cats, Tucker and Tabitha. He seems to be going through a faze where he is terrified of all animals other then the immediate Hersom family dogs (all the same type of dog, 4 of the 5 from the same litter, the 5th being a 1/2 sibling). Earlier that day we visited with the Werner family (also Pleasanton residents) and Luke just sobbed every time little Brady (dog just slightly bigger then ours) came anywhere in his vicinity. He just kept repeating "Maybe we can leave. Maybe we can leave!" Poor little guy.
Anyway, for the most part, Tucker and Tabitha steered clear of the crazy 2 year old and Luke got lots of love and attention from his aunt and uncle. It was great seeing them and their home is beautiful.
Luke sitting at the table like a big boy with Uncle Brad standing watch.
Uncle Brad, Luke and Aunt Sarah.