Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lukes Joins a Gang.

A doctor appointment at Stanford on August 12th (for eyes- more on that later) beckoned Luke and I up to the Bay Area last week. We stayed for almost an entire week (Monday-Sunday) and managed to make the most of the trip, keeping very busy visiting with Luke's adorning public.

Travis, Nate, Nick (with Luke,) & Quint

On Wednesday, Luke and I headed over to Travis's house to enjoy a wonderful dinner and always-entertaining company. The guys in the above picture are friends of mine from high school (Bellarmine boys) that met Luke for the first time.

You would think that a room full of men would intimidate our little darling. Not so. Within moments of arriving Luke was one of the boys. We had a great time and hope to do it again soon.

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