Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Visit from the Newlyweds.

Last month, Stephanie and Kevin came to stay with us for the weekend. Stephanie is my very first friend (our moms have been friends since before they were pregnant and Steph and I are less then 2 months apart in age- she's older!) and theirs was the wedding that Matt and I attended back in May.

We had a great time and Luke loved visiting with his "Aunt" Steph and "Uncle" Kevin. There was golfing, leisurely walks, swimming, eating, cookie making and, of course, breakfast at Franks. We were sad to see them go but hope to see them again soon!

"Are you the person I need to talk to about providing me with a playmate?"

Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Kevin & Luke

Uncle Kevin (aka "The Baby Whisper")

An inside joke.

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