Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Old Friends.

Courtesy of Facebook, I was recently contacted by a good friend from college, Kelci. She just so happens to live on the central coast and is now mom to 4 1/2 year old Bella and 2 year old Matea. Crazy how time flies because I last remember seeing Kelci and Steve (her husband) at their wedding... They just celebrated their 8th anniversary!

Anyway, I'm glad Kelci found me and I'm so happy that we promptly set up a play date. We met up at the Avila Barn this morning and checked out the animals and played on the lawn. Her daughters are so very sweet and it was great for Luke to get to spend time with them (and me with their mom!)

Bella, Matea and Luke

Bella, Luke and Matea (good luck trying to get 3 kids to look in the same direction and smile!)

"How you doin'?"

Already trying to steal my little boy away!

1 comment:

Kelci said...

I love the last two pics. Matea kissing him on his nose is so sweet and I love the way he's looking at Bella. Bella was so excited to tell her Papa that Luke said her name...even if it was "Bubba". Hope to see you guys again soon. He really was so much fun to be around and I'm just amazed at how happy and interactive he is after getting such a rough start in life.