Monday, November 3, 2008

Learning to Play Well (?) With Others

Luke's good buddy, Carter, came over on Sunday with his mom and dad, Amber and Andrew. Since last we've seen Carter, he's become a crawling (and pulling up to stand) machine. He's a very sweet little guy and I can't believe how much he's grown in such a short period of time!

Anyway, our time at school on Fridays must be paying off because Luke was very relaxed with Carter and only really got upset when Carter started crying (domino effect!) and tried to climb on him. They even started playing together which Luke seemed more interested in but that's more his age-appropriate (Carter is almost exactly one year younger then Luke- he was born March 2008.) It's hard to believe what a little boy Luke is becoming!

"You're a nice kid Carter. I might consider sharing this toy with you."

"I've considered it and decided NO."

"After I get done fully covering this toy in my spit..."

"You may have it!"

"Whoa- don't get grabby! I've changed my mind! Hands off!"

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