Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pumpkin Perusing.

That's right. Not picking, perusing.

We headed out to the Avila Barn on October 9th because Matt got home a little early from work and it sounded like a nice, seasonal, FREE activity. Luke, in typical Luke-fashion, was not impressed with their selection of animals (he still dislikes farm animals- "All done baby goat!") but enjoyed leading us around (the Kid Walk has sparked a new interest in being upright!) and checking out the giant pumpkins. We didn't buy anything because it was so early in the month and the weather has been so hot. No use in purchasing a pumpkin that would be rotten by Halloween, right? Fortunately, Luke didn't care so overall it was an enjoyable trip and a tangible reminder of why we are so lucky to live in this area.

Big boy and bigger gourds. And some hay.

Handsome Henard Men.

Luke telling Daddy about the Great Pumpkin?

"I wanna walk."- Luke

May not enjoy farm animals but he does enjoy lavishing love upon seasonal produce. We may have a farmer on our hands yet...

The only giant pumpkin we took home.

1 comment:

Steph said...

I love that your pumpkin patch allows you to walk in the actual patch! Seeing pumpkins after pumpkins is fine and all, but it would be nice for them to see HOW they actually grew!