Monday, May 11, 2009

Cupcake and the Super Cute Kid.

If proof was ever needed as to how much I love this child:

Cowboy Luke, Cupcake the Pony and the Flip-Flop Cowgirl.
Yee Haw.

Moments before the tears arrived.
Giddy Up.

Luke's school had Cupcake the Pony there last month for the kids to take pictures with. The older classes were stoked but Luke's class of younger kiddos were universally terrified to say the least. Fortunately, Luke loves the camera so he was willing to play along for 2 shots and 2 shots only. I wish I had little Mia's picture- she started screaming about 1/2 second after her mom sat her on the saddle. Meanwhile, Cupcake the Pony seemed resigned to his/her fate.

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