Monday, May 11, 2009


That's the word that comes to mind whenever Stephanie Selinger and I go a long time without seeing each other- unacceptable. We've known each other our entire lives and we only live about 3 1/2 hours away (she's in Oakland.) Our schedules are just both so hectic that it's proven quite a feat to hang out on a regular basis.

So Luke had not seen Aunt Steph and Uncle Kevin since last July (almost a year!!) so it was long overdue. Unfortunately, Uncle Kevin was unable to make it but Aunt Steph came over to my dad and Steph's for dinner on May 2nd when Luke and I were in town.

And the proof is in the pictures- Luke just loves his Aunt Steph. She is so good with him and we all know how much he hates female attention (*snicker*) We're hoping that Steph and Kevin will be able to come down to SLO and visit again this summer. And I'm personally hoping that Luke has a "cousin" before too long...

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