Monday, May 11, 2009

Get Up, Stand Up.

We're not quite getting up yet but we are standing. Luke has come so far in his core and leg strength as well as his balance. Linda has pretty much been working backwards with him- not being able to use his right hand/arm has made pulling to a stand extremely difficult. So right now we're helping him into standing position (with relatively minimal assistance) and then he's standing tall. Unfortunately, both legs are affected so we're just working hard on cruising (side-stepping while standing at the coffee table or something similar in height.) Luke can take forward steps while being held under the arms or by the pelvis (to help guide his steps) but we're just in the beginning stages.

Hopefully, as Luke gets older and adapts more, he'll figure out how to compensate for his weak right arm. Linda told me last week that if it wasn't for his right hand/arm he would be walking with a walker right now. A walker will definitely be necessary to help Luke contend with the tone issues in his legs. Here's an image of a pediatric walker:

At some point in the future (hopefully not too distant,) Luke will be fitted for walker with a special cuff for his right side (so he won't have to grasp with his right hand but it's stable.) Until we get to that point, we're working hard on strength and encouraging his desire to be mobile and get into the standing position.

We usually end our thrice a week therapy sessions with a walk to the door to open the door and then walking into the waiting area (with Linda's assistance.) Thursday Luke was extra motivated and even stood only slightly leaning against the waiting room couch for support. He did it for so long that I was able to run in, dig for my camera and take a few pictures.

So proud.

I may have said it already but our goal is to have him upwardly mobile by his 3rd birthday. At this rate, I really think we're on track.

1 comment:

Kelci said...

He looks so cute and proud standing up! What a hard working little guy.