Sunday, March 23, 2008

Peaceful, Easy Easter Sunday 2008

It’s wild that this was Luke’s second Easter and he’s not even one year old yet. So much has happened in such short time but it seems like last year’s was a lifetime ago. Easter 2007 we found out that Luke’s pituitary gland had started working even though earlier in the week the doctors told us it was not. Easter 2008 we discovered that Luke really likes kiwi. And that pretty much sums up what life with Luke is like- extraordinary miracles mixed with everyday delights.

We, or more specifically, Daddy, started out this Easter at 4am with Luke waking up in throws of teething pain (all four of his front bottom teeth are emmerging.) After 2 hours of immense unhappiness, Luke finally dozed off but was up again at 7am. I got up with him and proceeded to race through breakfast and showers so we were on our way to church by 8:15am.

Much to our surprise, our earlier screaming maniac of a child was an absolute angel throughout mass AND even allowed us to go out to breakfast (Big Sky Café!) afterwards. He even managed a few “smile”-cued smiles when pestered by Mommy!

After a wonderful nap (seriously- this kid went to sleep giggling and woke up with a smile on his face) we packed up and headed to Lake Lopez so Daddy could go fishing and Luke and Mommy could cheer him on. We spent 2 hours there (with everyone else on the Central Coast,) the weather was amazing but sadly, we brought no fish home for dinner. However, we did bring home about 10,000 pictures of Luke in a cute hat so the trip was well worth it.

We also vigorously worked on our “just take the darn picture” smile.

The day was so special that I will even share photographic proof that Luke has a mommy.
We capped our Easter off with an amazing meal at home and Luke’s chipper mood remained throughout his dinner, our dinner, blanket playtime and his bath. As frustrating as the day began, it ended so quiet and peaceful.


Grammers said...

Oh my gosh, Luke's two top teeth have really come in since last weekend! Great pictures...I can see why you had such a hard time choosing what to post. What a restful and relaxing day, it seems the three of you had in preparation for his big #1 birthday. I'm really looking forward to this weekend and seeing the Henard Family.

gailandh said...

Matt, Beth & Luke
What great pictures!!!!, sounds like a very enjoyable day.
Papa and Grandma Chrissy