Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pre-Birthday Event.

Luke had his CT scan this morning at Sierra Vista and it went perfectly. I was very concerned because it requires him to hold still for a few seconds so they can get a good picture. Unfortunately, he's on a really uncomfortable board that basically pins him down- pretty scary for a baby. But we timed his nap perfectly so he was suitably sleepy and Dad talked him through it. The entire scan took about 3 minutes and we were good to go!

The scan itself will be reviewed by Dr. Edwards, the Stanford neurosurgeon, at Luke's next appointment on April 7th. The main purpose is to make sure the shunt is in a good place and that all is as well as can be expect in Luke's sweet little head. We [Matt and I] also keep a copy so if there is ever a shunt malfunction and we're out of town, the attending ER doctors will instantly be able to compare a CT scan they do with how it looked prior to the malfunction.
The scan was so quick that I didn't get any picture but here's just a random adorable picture because I have a million of them. Taken on Easter night, Luke had a serious bath-time moment with his new rubber ducky.

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