Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I forgot that I had taken pictures at Stanford last week and thought I would share. We had the developmental clinic at 8:30am and his neurosurgery follow-up scheduled in the exact same place at 11:30am. It was after 10am when we got out of the first appointment so the staff was kind enough to wrangle neurosurgery early and we completely done by 11:30am. Since we waited a bit in the room, a Luke photo session helped kill the time.

This is Luke with a cold. Same old Luke but with a very stuffy nose, pink cheeks and a slight cough.

Luke doing what he does best- "talking." I'm sure he was explaining the meaning of life to Grammers here.

Never one to let the mood get too serious, Luke pauses his lecture for a photo-op.

Because both Luke and I were sick for most of the week, we spent a lot of time just hanging around Grammers/Grandpa John's and Grandpa/Grandma Stephanie's houses. The heat at the end of the week was a little surprising (and uncomfortable) but it gave Luke a chance to show off his maybe-not-so-ready for summer physique.
Those long skinny arms and legs of last spring have blissfully been replaced by some much needed baby fat!

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