Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Pirate Has Been Spotted In SLO!

Tuesday marked the first day of journey in patching Luke's left eye. The doctor's orders are 2-3 hours each day and we did 40 minutes on Tuesday and 2 hours yesterday! Much to my surprise, he was totally okay with it and was even, dare I say, happier with it on? Maybe it has something to do with him only having to work on using/focusing one eye- who knows. Regardless, my biggest issue is getting it on and making it stick properly. This picture was taken yesterday- I love how the patches are so small and gender-specific. We're going to wear the camo one today!
Take note of the his "goal post" teeth. All four of the bottom are in but the two middle are just a little slower in truly showing themselves. He still looks like our little carnival worker.

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