Oldie but a goodie- Uncle Brad & Luke on Christmas Day 2007. This look/pose ensured that Luke will NEVER be on Santa's Bad list.
Oldie but a goodie- Uncle Brad & Luke on Christmas Day 2007. This look/pose ensured that Luke will NEVER be on Santa's Bad list.
Ceiling fan observation.
Mommy's dessert- Luke kisses.
Earlier in the day, Matt set me all up to plant some veggies in my new little garden. He did all the grunt work and I got to pick out the plants, dig the little holes and stick them in there. I'm a farmer now.Cucumber, Bell Pepper, Eggplant & Cherry Tomatoes- Yum.
I'm not sure what prompted Luke to look so blissfully happy in the this picture. The moment was just so sweet I had to share.
And I never thought it would happen but it did. Lola's Mother's Day gift to me- a picture with her "brother" (notice the left hand looking ready to stike!)
I hope all the moms out there were treated as well as my boys (and Lola!) treated me!
Luke also seems to be "bringing sexy back." (I know- so 2007 and slightly inappropriate- but the exposed shoulder was just too much!)
This evening Luke's new chair arrived and Dad put it together for him right away. His old bouncer was only "infant" (up to 25 lbs.) so this new one is "infant/toddler" and good until 40 lbs. He seems ok with it but spent majority of the time trying to get the seatbelt off and sit up straight. I firmly believe it's a good ab work-out for him so as long he's safe in trying to figure out how to escape, rock on. I failed to get pictures of the new shampoo mohawk he sports at bathtime but I will soon. He was so exhaused after his bath (he loves his late morning nap but you can't pay him to take another one later- too excited about Dad coming home perhaps?) he passed out mid-bottle and is still proving to be our champion night-time sleeper (like his mommy and Grandpa Hersom!)
Tooth Watch 2008- Matt pointed out to me that the teeth on either side of his front teeth (the lateral incisors for you dentistry buffs) are coming in. You can see them and feel them and I am AMAZED that Luke is totally uneffected by their existence. The first 6 were rough us all but maybe they just worked to toughen him up? I can't believe our baby is going to have 8 teeth!
Good night!