Friday, May 16, 2008

So Bad But So Necessary.

I broke down on Wednesday and put Luke in front of the TV for 1/2 hour. He refused to take a nap and wanted entertaining but I needed to get dinner in the crock pot. Lately, Luke has been really into the TV when we fast forward or rewind the DVR so we know he knows it's there. But regardless of what he can see, he's really into high pitched voices and music so I figured some toddler show on Nick Jr. would make him happy. My theory was right on target. He LOVED the show and was so vocal about it and jumping around in his seat that I couldn't help but continue to peek in on him and finally break down and take some undercover pictures.

Hard to believe that the same little boy we thought was almost completely blind 6 months ago is now watching TV. Besides his trouble with controlling his eye muscles (we see him crossing his eyes a lot in addition to them individually wandering) he's totally responding visually. That's our amazing Luke!

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