Friday, October 31, 2008

"Trit Treet!" (and Other Stuff)

Luke "Chicken Little" Henard

After our family cold last week, Luke and I headed up to San Jose on Friday until this past Wednesday so he could visit with his a couple of his Stanford doctors on Monday. Dr. Edwards (neurosurgeon) was satisfied with Luke's shunt and happy to see him making progress. Dr. Alcorn (opthamologist) was very happy with the positive difference the glasses have made in Luke's life and was estatic to hear that 1) he keeps them on and 2) he will wear his patch daily and for an average of 2 hours (back pats for mom and dad!) It was a nice trip up there with Grandma Carole and it was lovely to have two Luke-normal doctor reports. The breath-holding and dread of the past 1 1/2 years involving Stanford visits has turned more into routine and a good excuse to spend the day with Grandma. *knock on wood*

Since pictures are said to be worth a thousand words, I'll let them do just that. Here's what we've been up to the past week:

Uncle Brad had knee surgery recently but came over to visit Luke at Grandma's. Luke is very into turning pages lately so kicking back with a good book is always welcome.

Luke and Grandma at a pumpkin patch near Stanford (that's his unusual "pum pum" by Grandma's foot.)

Luke's way of telling mom that taking pictures of people eating is rude.

So I just take away his food! (Just kidding! He was pouting over not being allowed to play with his almost empty plate and fork.) Mean mom.

Luke carving his "pum pum" with Dad. Mom was responsible for keeping seeds out of his mouth.

The finished product.

"Boo!" (A favorite Luke word)

Comparing quanity of teeth with the pumpkin? Luke wins- barely.

Celebrating fall at school. Fake leaves = real fun.

Baby you can drive my car...

With a little help from my friend.

D.W.S.- Driving While Silly.

I didn't know monsters could drive?!

Luke does a monster noise/face that is a "must see." And the funniest part is it's all about YOUR reaction for him. Maybe we'll see another Dad-produced video on here soon?

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Because So Far This Week Has Been A Bummer.

Luke ended this past Sunday with a slight runny nose which morphed into a full-blown cold by Monday (yesterday.) He's doing slightly better today (not as much visible "drainage" but still so stuffy) but I've still kept him in his pajamas and canceled all of today's appointments. Since we've not left the house in a few days, I decided to post some random pictures from last week.

At Luke's physical therapy, they've gotten a new device which is perfect for getting Luke to put weight on his legs and, eventually, walk. Luke being Luke, he totally enjoyed the new experience and even had a picture taken of him that is likely to show up in the therapy unit's newsletter (I'll be sure to scan and post if this happens!)
More interested in the straps then the anything involving the lower body...

He figured out how to move the big left wheel with his good left hand. Again, no need to use the legs! Grr... (But the large wheels are removable!)

I have never personally been a big fan of Halloween, but having a child pretty much inspires you to have spirit and enthusiasm for any and all holidays. Target had these items for a couple of bucks each and Luke loves them. He's constantly grabbing for the witch hat ("hat, hat, hat...") and we've started keeping miscellaneous small toys in his "pum pum." (Note- he says "hat" on his own but we have to suggest "pumpkin" for him to respond "pum pum"- just an FYI on his language development!)

What you can't see is me holding his left hand to keep the hat on for 2 seconds. He prefers the investigate and chew experience to actually wearing it.

Readying his mouth for the tasty treats which will soon be of abundance in there. Unless Daddy gets to them first.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It Only Took 18 1/2 months...

I finally got a picture of Luke and the first person who ever held him! This is Dr. Heidi Freeman, my OBGYN. She delivered Luke and it still cracks me up- had to do so while standing on a stool (she's very tiny!) I absolutely love her and could never be more grateful for her making the very tough decision to bring Luke into this world when she did. She's a wonderful doctor and we're very lucky to have her on our team.

Luke's First Field Trip

Luke's Parent Participation class had a little field trip to the Avila Barn pumpkin patch last Friday. The kiddos (and parents) got to go on a hayride and then pick both a small and medium pumpkin from the patch. Very sweet and a definite must-visit for all families on the central coast.

Luke shows off his mad pumpkin sitting/balancing skills.

Mid-pumpkin pick.

Daly and Luke.

Teacher Julie (in blue) with her 12-24 month Friday Fall'08 Class.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Can't Hold a Good Man Down.

I have to share a quick story while it's fresh in my mind. I'm absolutely beyond excitement at this moment...

When Luke was born, my one request of God was to have a child that can verbally communicate with us. Thus far Luke has shown every sign that this is a real possibility. With the amount of brain damage he suffered, all professionals have been amazed by his intelligence and willingness to engage and increasing ability to do so with words. His pediatrician was taken aback on Tuesday when I confirmed that Luke does say many words and uses them regularly. But up until a few minutes ago, the words have been things that have been hammered into his mind ("mama," "dada," "Lola") and his true understanding of most words is unknown. Luke has become a master mimic.

Moments ago, Luke was playing on the family room floor with his Little People school bus that was filled with Little People, Tonka cars and blocks. He likes to take them all out and throw them all over the family room. Lots of fun for Luke and lots of clean-up for mommy. Such the little boy.

As I walked by him on my way out to the laundry room, he stopped, looked up at me and said "hi." I stopped and asked Luke- "What do you have?" Luke looked down at the Tonka car in his hand, said "car" and- to really drive the point home- put the car on the carpet and rolled it back and forth.

Our son, who suffered brain damage categorized as "massive" and "very severe," is 1 1/2 years old and knows what I asked him and how to respond. I don't think I could be more proud and amazed at this very moment. I wish I would have captured that exchange on film to show the world but, knowing Luke, this relatively isolated incident will become a regular occurrence.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Matt and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary this past Sunday. We started the day taking formal family pictures (to commemorate Luke turning 18 months on Saturday as well) did a little lunch at Firestones (jealous?!) and then had dinner at McClintocks in Pismo Beach. Our big day got us a free giant brownie sundae which Luke found just the thing to wash down his halibut dinner.

This weekend Matt and I are off to Las Vegas to attend the wedding of my high school friend, Isthar. We're using it as a post-anniversary celebration so we're going out to dinner and seeing "Love" on Friday night. We're very excited and I'm sure Grandpa Jim and Grandma Stephanie will have a lovely weekend back in SLO with Luke, Lola and Rocco. I'm most excited about getting to carry a purse smaller then a suitcase for a whole weekend!