Thursday, October 2, 2008

Can't Hold a Good Man Down.

I have to share a quick story while it's fresh in my mind. I'm absolutely beyond excitement at this moment...

When Luke was born, my one request of God was to have a child that can verbally communicate with us. Thus far Luke has shown every sign that this is a real possibility. With the amount of brain damage he suffered, all professionals have been amazed by his intelligence and willingness to engage and increasing ability to do so with words. His pediatrician was taken aback on Tuesday when I confirmed that Luke does say many words and uses them regularly. But up until a few minutes ago, the words have been things that have been hammered into his mind ("mama," "dada," "Lola") and his true understanding of most words is unknown. Luke has become a master mimic.

Moments ago, Luke was playing on the family room floor with his Little People school bus that was filled with Little People, Tonka cars and blocks. He likes to take them all out and throw them all over the family room. Lots of fun for Luke and lots of clean-up for mommy. Such the little boy.

As I walked by him on my way out to the laundry room, he stopped, looked up at me and said "hi." I stopped and asked Luke- "What do you have?" Luke looked down at the Tonka car in his hand, said "car" and- to really drive the point home- put the car on the carpet and rolled it back and forth.

Our son, who suffered brain damage categorized as "massive" and "very severe," is 1 1/2 years old and knows what I asked him and how to respond. I don't think I could be more proud and amazed at this very moment. I wish I would have captured that exchange on film to show the world but, knowing Luke, this relatively isolated incident will become a regular occurrence.


gailandh said...

Papa and Grandma Chrissy

Kelci said...

How exciting! Maybe next time we're together, Bella and Matea will shutty long enough for him to show off his new skillz:)

Unknown said...

That is fantastic!!