Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Because So Far This Week Has Been A Bummer.

Luke ended this past Sunday with a slight runny nose which morphed into a full-blown cold by Monday (yesterday.) He's doing slightly better today (not as much visible "drainage" but still so stuffy) but I've still kept him in his pajamas and canceled all of today's appointments. Since we've not left the house in a few days, I decided to post some random pictures from last week.

At Luke's physical therapy, they've gotten a new device which is perfect for getting Luke to put weight on his legs and, eventually, walk. Luke being Luke, he totally enjoyed the new experience and even had a picture taken of him that is likely to show up in the therapy unit's newsletter (I'll be sure to scan and post if this happens!)
More interested in the straps then the anything involving the lower body...

He figured out how to move the big left wheel with his good left hand. Again, no need to use the legs! Grr... (But the large wheels are removable!)

I have never personally been a big fan of Halloween, but having a child pretty much inspires you to have spirit and enthusiasm for any and all holidays. Target had these items for a couple of bucks each and Luke loves them. He's constantly grabbing for the witch hat ("hat, hat, hat...") and we've started keeping miscellaneous small toys in his "pum pum." (Note- he says "hat" on his own but we have to suggest "pumpkin" for him to respond "pum pum"- just an FYI on his language development!)

What you can't see is me holding his left hand to keep the hat on for 2 seconds. He prefers the investigate and chew experience to actually wearing it.

Readying his mouth for the tasty treats which will soon be of abundance in there. Unless Daddy gets to them first.

1 comment:

By Bethanni Hoffman said...

My babies are sick this week too. Thad is ooozing out of his eyes and nose...really gross. Hope Luke gets better soon:)