Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Believe The Hype.

On July 28th, we did a little day trip down to Santa Barbara to see Dr. Kelts, the pediatric G.I. specialist, who is at Cottage Hospital. We're still trying to figure out what is causing Luke's vomiting episodes so this was the next step in trying to narrow it down. I'll post more on that another time but as right now, Dr. Kelts does not think it's a G.I. issue and we're going to be consulting with a local neurologist next.

Anyway, I was so very pleased to discover that there is a Pinkberry on State Street. I've heard of it (frozen yogurt that is rumored to be heavenly) but since it's based out of L.A., I didn't think that trying it would be in my immediate future. Surprise! So Matt, Luke and I headed in, convinced that the word on the street had to be an exaggeration. WRONG. It's is DELIGHTFUL. We had a "tropical swirl" (blend of coconut and passion fruit) and I added fresh mango and kiwi to mine... mmm.... makes me crave one just thinking about it.

I think there may be one on Santana Row- definitely worth the trip. I hear the lines are long (not so in S.B. on a random Tuesday afternoon) but I would gladly wait. And if you don't believe me, this guy liked it too:

I think he's growling at me in this picture. He wants it all to himself.

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