Tuesday, November 23, 2010

All I Want for Christmas... Is a Helmet.

Luke is walking. A LOT. And we LOVE IT. However, balance is an issue (as with any new walker) and we've complicated matters by having hardwood floors at home. So in a one week time span Luke managed to 1) fall backwards and completely whack the back of his head on the hardwood 2) split his chin open while walking down the hall and 3) do a header (though on the carpet) and bonk the top of his forehead on the side of the coffee table. He's doing better day by day but Matt and I are starting to sport more and more gray hairs in addition to the mini-heart attacks we experience at least once daily.

I contemplated posting a picture of the actual split in his chin (HAD to get a shot of that!) but it's kind of gross and I rather keep this blog PG. So here's the aftermath. He wore the butterfly band aid with the "Cars" one over it (to keep the blood contained- eww) for a good week after the fall. Luke also informed all he came into contact with that he "spit" his chin.

Almost got a smile. Very few tears were shed. Serious Tough Guy.

I have no idea why he had to pucker his lips.

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