Thursday, December 2, 2010

America's Next Top Toddler.

Luke insists on "driving" my car everyday after therapy or school. "Driving" to him is kneeling behind the wheel, messing with my controls and pretending to honk and yell at other drivers. I have no clue where he gets that last part from...

I had a scarf on the other day and Luke informed me that he "needed" it to drive. And suddenly he was less interested in driving and more interested in doing a high fashion photo shoot.

Give me FIERCE!

Fun-loving and fabulous!


Melissa said...

"yell at other drivers. I have no clue where he gets that last part from..."

My tip is to always blame your spouse. :-)

That's a pretty cute model there. I can always have Dylan give him some tips if he wants to courtesy or something like that. ;-)

Beth said...

Melissa! I will use that tip! I'm ALWAYS the calm and collected behind the wheel! ;)

Between Dylan's, um, "outfit" and Luke's flashy pink scarf they would make quite the pair! We need to get your Luke in on the action (I'm thinking a fancy hat and heels?) and we're good to go!