Friday, April 24, 2009

The Prince and His Throne.

We decided that Luke needed to be introduced to a Luke-sized potty. Mind you, we're still some time away from attempting to start potty training but thought it might help Luke in allowing him to warm up to his new chair. So far it has worked. Every time we go in the bathroom, he requests "Sit down, potty" so that's a start.
And of course, I could not let this occasion pass me by without an impromptu photo session. Luke has mastered the "Cheese!" smile so now we've moved on to more complex directions.

I asked Luke to pretend like he was going potty. I got this face and him saying "Push!"

I asked Luke if he wanted to go potty on the big boy potty from now on. His reaction was a fake cry and this pained, toothy expression.

Everyday I am more convinced that someday Hollywood will come calling and Luke will answer. He's all about being the center of attention and entertaining the masses. I just hope that he remembers to thank his dear old mommy in his Oscar acceptance speech. And that he's mastered the big boy potty by then.

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Case of the Mondays.

It's been unseasonably hot here yesterday and today (it's currently in the high 90s) so Luke woke up this morning with crazy bed-sweat hair. Very appropriate for a Monday morning.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Treasure.

This Easter we stayed in SLO (we're determined to stay local for at least one holiday!) and had a very enjoyable day. We went to the Mission for mass, followed it up with breakfast at Big Sky and then took naps. Later in the afternoon, we went over to Luke's school friend Charlie's house whose parents, Jen and Paul, had been kind enough to invite us over for an egg hunt. Luke enjoyed sitting on the grass, tossing plastic eggs around while Mommy and Daddy did some tossing back of their own (in moderation- it's Easter Sunday!) Jen and Paul have a fabulous home and were so kind to include us in their Easter festivities.

Luke and Charlie. It is impossible to get two 2 year olds to sit still and take a picture together.


Two of Luke's favorite things- small items to throw at people and stickers (see shirt.)
Absolute glee.

It was windy (hence the crazy bangs) and this picture is just too funny. I'm sure he nailed me with that egg a second later.

Making the Easter Bunny Proud.

We dyed Easter eggs last Saturday in honor of Sunday. We had no grand plan for the eggs (just eat them?) but it was fun and Luke seemed about as interested as a 2 year old with vision issues could be. He was more about playing with the crayon and trying to stick stuff in the dye. But we all enjoy hard boiled eggs so it was a win-win.

Assuming the holiday-crafting position (see October and our pumpkin carving.) Luke loves sitting on the counter.

Attempting to color the crayon green. Luke is THAT creative.

All business.

It's hard to tell but Luke's egg says his name. Seconds later he attempted to bounce it off the counter.

Daddy is an egg coloring genius. Even Luke was impressed.

SLO Blue Crew '09!

Monday, April 6th, kicked off the Dodgers 2009 season so Daddy and Luke geared up to watch the game. Luke perfected his "GO DODGERS!! YEAH!!!" and Daddy introduced to Luke such tasteful phrases as "Giants Suck" and "Yuck" whenever the Giants are mentioned. Can you feel the love from the Hersom side of the family?

The boys in blue. Luke LOVES his hat and wore it for hours that night.

"HOME RUN!!!" Taught to him by Panda but now being used to root AGAINST the Giants. Sorry Panda.

"Go Giants?" Luke's reaction.
(Actually, I took the remote control away from him.)

Dodgers are #1!!

Concluding BirthWEEK.

Here are a few snapshots my dad (Panda) took at Luke's little birthday party on April 4th. The weather could not have cooperated better (rare in April in SLO!) and Luke had a wonderfully exhausting time.

Getting goodies from Great-Great Aunt Jay while sitting with our neighbor, Nan.

Christina, Amber, Kelci and Luke. Always the ladies man.

Kelci (aka "Better Mama") and Luke.

What Mommy and Aunt Sarah were up to until late the night before...

Nothing like a cold beer at 11am.

Mr. Carter Nash Davis.

Apparently Matea was not interested in a photo shoot. Either that or she was trapped in the swing.

Lunching with Nan, Grandma Chrissy and Aunt Julie. That's his "hot food" face.

A little light blowing on the candles. He'll get it next year!

Luke and his best buddy/babysitter Manya (currently pronounced "Mongus" by Luke.)

Auntie Aly, Nate and Dana brought Luke a "real" cell phone!

Luke's people.

Thanks for getting some great pictures, Panda! Look forward to doing it all over again (perhaps expanding Luke's celebration to a whole month?!) next year!

More BirthWEEK Fun.

I know I'm way behind on posting so bear with me. Here's some pictures we took on Friday, March 27th (Luke's actual birthday) after Matt got home from work. We enjoyed a delicious McDonald's dinner (Luke loves him some fries and cheeseburger) and then we hit up the park. We ended the evening with cupcakes (lemon cheesecake made by me from SCRATCH!) and a few presents.

What's your name? "Wuke." How old are you? "Wuke."

First time actually enjoying the slide. I'm convinced it was because of his co-pilot.

My favorite picture of all time.

"Stand up, please."-Luke (aka "Wuke")

He would blow just VERY softly. Dad helped.

A Thomas book from mommy and daddy.

Getting good at unwrapping with one hand. The wrapping paper was far more interesting then any gifts.

A talking farm (English AND Spanish) from mommy and daddy.

We had a little birthday party for him on April 4th with family and a few local friends. So basically, Luke's birthDAY turned into Luke's birthWEEK. Such is the life of Luke.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pure Inspiration.

My dear friend Stephanie emailed this video to us (sent to her from her uncle) recently. I just watched it and can't believe 1) how amazing this guy is and 2) how timely my viewing of it was.

Luke has had an amazing last two days of physical therapy. I watched him so determined and excited to be standing upright this morning that it finally truly struck me at the end of our session that Luke WILL walk. Not we hope. Not we pray. HE WILL. After standing against a table and cruising around it (with Linda's assistance nonstop for almost the entire 50 minutes) Luke sat down for a break at the end of the hour but quickly scooted himself over to the door leading out of the therapy room. After asking to "stand up," Linda helped him in getting upright, gave him stability while HE opened the door and then supported his upper body while he took very controlled steps out of the room. It was the most inspiring thing I have ever witnessed. I couldn't help myself- "He's going to walk" I said to Linda. Her immediate response- "Oh yeah."

I've been trying to get some video footage that would do Luke's progress justice but usually my extra set of hands (and ball fetching skills- Luke loves to throw their bouncy balls around) are required. Until then, I recommend watching this video (it's around 13 minutes) and remember that unwavering determination and strength of character will get you everywhere.