Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Treasure.

This Easter we stayed in SLO (we're determined to stay local for at least one holiday!) and had a very enjoyable day. We went to the Mission for mass, followed it up with breakfast at Big Sky and then took naps. Later in the afternoon, we went over to Luke's school friend Charlie's house whose parents, Jen and Paul, had been kind enough to invite us over for an egg hunt. Luke enjoyed sitting on the grass, tossing plastic eggs around while Mommy and Daddy did some tossing back of their own (in moderation- it's Easter Sunday!) Jen and Paul have a fabulous home and were so kind to include us in their Easter festivities.

Luke and Charlie. It is impossible to get two 2 year olds to sit still and take a picture together.


Two of Luke's favorite things- small items to throw at people and stickers (see shirt.)
Absolute glee.

It was windy (hence the crazy bangs) and this picture is just too funny. I'm sure he nailed me with that egg a second later.

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