Thursday, April 16, 2009

Concluding BirthWEEK.

Here are a few snapshots my dad (Panda) took at Luke's little birthday party on April 4th. The weather could not have cooperated better (rare in April in SLO!) and Luke had a wonderfully exhausting time.

Getting goodies from Great-Great Aunt Jay while sitting with our neighbor, Nan.

Christina, Amber, Kelci and Luke. Always the ladies man.

Kelci (aka "Better Mama") and Luke.

What Mommy and Aunt Sarah were up to until late the night before...

Nothing like a cold beer at 11am.

Mr. Carter Nash Davis.

Apparently Matea was not interested in a photo shoot. Either that or she was trapped in the swing.

Lunching with Nan, Grandma Chrissy and Aunt Julie. That's his "hot food" face.

A little light blowing on the candles. He'll get it next year!

Luke and his best buddy/babysitter Manya (currently pronounced "Mongus" by Luke.)

Auntie Aly, Nate and Dana brought Luke a "real" cell phone!

Luke's people.

Thanks for getting some great pictures, Panda! Look forward to doing it all over again (perhaps expanding Luke's celebration to a whole month?!) next year!

1 comment:

Kelci said...

Wow, you were right. Tatey looks totally pissed off. I'm so proud that my little lady is mastering her death glare at a young age.
Did Panda photoshop my hair color? I swear it's not that red in real life and certainly not redder than Amber's, is it? Maybe he was trying out different makeover looks on me, trying to determine how I would look cutest? Yes, I'm sure that's it. Ask him to photoshop off 20 pounds for me and remove one chin please.