Thursday, April 16, 2009

More BirthWEEK Fun.

I know I'm way behind on posting so bear with me. Here's some pictures we took on Friday, March 27th (Luke's actual birthday) after Matt got home from work. We enjoyed a delicious McDonald's dinner (Luke loves him some fries and cheeseburger) and then we hit up the park. We ended the evening with cupcakes (lemon cheesecake made by me from SCRATCH!) and a few presents.

What's your name? "Wuke." How old are you? "Wuke."

First time actually enjoying the slide. I'm convinced it was because of his co-pilot.

My favorite picture of all time.

"Stand up, please."-Luke (aka "Wuke")

He would blow just VERY softly. Dad helped.

A Thomas book from mommy and daddy.

Getting good at unwrapping with one hand. The wrapping paper was far more interesting then any gifts.

A talking farm (English AND Spanish) from mommy and daddy.

We had a little birthday party for him on April 4th with family and a few local friends. So basically, Luke's birthDAY turned into Luke's birthWEEK. Such is the life of Luke.

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