Friday, April 24, 2009

The Prince and His Throne.

We decided that Luke needed to be introduced to a Luke-sized potty. Mind you, we're still some time away from attempting to start potty training but thought it might help Luke in allowing him to warm up to his new chair. So far it has worked. Every time we go in the bathroom, he requests "Sit down, potty" so that's a start.
And of course, I could not let this occasion pass me by without an impromptu photo session. Luke has mastered the "Cheese!" smile so now we've moved on to more complex directions.

I asked Luke to pretend like he was going potty. I got this face and him saying "Push!"

I asked Luke if he wanted to go potty on the big boy potty from now on. His reaction was a fake cry and this pained, toothy expression.

Everyday I am more convinced that someday Hollywood will come calling and Luke will answer. He's all about being the center of attention and entertaining the masses. I just hope that he remembers to thank his dear old mommy in his Oscar acceptance speech. And that he's mastered the big boy potty by then.

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