Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pure Inspiration.

My dear friend Stephanie emailed this video to us (sent to her from her uncle) recently. I just watched it and can't believe 1) how amazing this guy is and 2) how timely my viewing of it was.

Luke has had an amazing last two days of physical therapy. I watched him so determined and excited to be standing upright this morning that it finally truly struck me at the end of our session that Luke WILL walk. Not we hope. Not we pray. HE WILL. After standing against a table and cruising around it (with Linda's assistance nonstop for almost the entire 50 minutes) Luke sat down for a break at the end of the hour but quickly scooted himself over to the door leading out of the therapy room. After asking to "stand up," Linda helped him in getting upright, gave him stability while HE opened the door and then supported his upper body while he took very controlled steps out of the room. It was the most inspiring thing I have ever witnessed. I couldn't help myself- "He's going to walk" I said to Linda. Her immediate response- "Oh yeah."

I've been trying to get some video footage that would do Luke's progress justice but usually my extra set of hands (and ball fetching skills- Luke loves to throw their bouncy balls around) are required. Until then, I recommend watching this video (it's around 13 minutes) and remember that unwavering determination and strength of character will get you everywhere.

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