Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Every Super Hero Needs A Costume.

Luke's just happens to be blue and held on with lots of velcro tabs! This is the Theratog outfit the I mentioned some time back. We got Luke one of his own so we are able to put it on him and manipulate his body with the rubbery material. His legs tend to splay out at the hips (like frog legs!) so by putting on these bottoms, for instance, we can help pull those leg muscles inwards. It's a very interesting concept and fortunately, Luke has been distracted enough to not start pulling off the velcro tabs.

Linda (Luke's physical therapist) has Luke standing a lot and is teaching him to side-step and move out of his comfort zone of arms length once he is upright. Even though we're a long ways off from Luke pulling himself to standing (transitioning positions are very hard for this kid- took until this past September for him to sit up on his own) it is important to build endurance in his legs so we stand him up quite often. His balance isn't great but he enjoys being big and tall. He's even learned to take steps so we're working on moving forward with the help of a walker. I'm going to predict that walking is definitely in this little guy's future.

The red barrel is the perfect height and tons of fun to throw things into. He also enjoys putting pegs into the pegboard on the mirror.

"Tesssssss!" (Linda's Cal Poly volunteer who Luke completely adores.)

Pegboard does travel. Here he is working on leaning forward.

Luke becomes way more motivated when it's Tess tempting him.

Barrel not always necessary. He's getting really good!

Luke now also has feet/ankle braces to help him with stability. Because of all the muscle tone issues people with cerebral palsy have, it's important to build strength correctly and Luke has a tendency to stand funny on his feet. The braces help correct that and offer support.

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