Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Love for Peggy, Marcia and... Remotes.

Right before we left San Jose on the 15th, my godmother, Peggy, and her cousin/our wonderful family friend, Marcia, came by to visit with and meet Luke. They live in southern California, so seeing them is always a treat. Marcia had never met Luke so he was extra excited to make a new friend.

He's a very huggable guy.

Luke and "Aunt" Peggy.

Luke and his "mote" that stays at Grandma & Grandpa John's house.

Marcia, Luke and "mote."

Fast friends.

He's a sucker for the ladies.

Friends since childhood.

Marcia, Carole & Peggy
aka T-R-O-U-B-L-E

Luke has always had a fascination with cell phones and remote controls (what kid hasn't?) but my mom finally gave him an old one so now it's been taken to new heights. Grandma Stephanie & Grandpa gave Luke one as well so that one came home to SLO with us while the one in these pictures was left in San Jose. Yet I use "came home" loosely. In addition to being requested at odd times (i.e. right as I lay Luke down for a nap- "mote?") it came with us to a birthday party on Saturday night. Unfortunately, "mote" had to take a nap in mommy's purse when it started to be used to swing at and knock down wine glasses at the dinner table. Sorry- no pictures of that.

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