Wednesday, February 16, 2011

All Hands on Deck

With my due date for Baby G. fast approaching, we've been fortunate that so many friends and family have offered us help. With a very talkative, social Luke wanting all eyes on him 24/7 it's great to have an extra loved one around to entertain him.

My good friend Aly came a few weekends ago and not only helped with Luke but got my booty in gear and helped me sort and purge all of Luke's baby stuff that I stored up in the attic (like 13 big storage bins worth!) Then shortly after Matt's Aunt Gena came during the week and stayed a few days with us. She was a great babysitter and taxi driver and I was able to get Baby G. room organized and set up- we're pretty much ready to go!

Luke and Aunt Gena

A big thanks to everyone for all of the love and support the last 8+ months. We're very fortunate to be so well loved!

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