Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Brotherly Love

Luke seems to understand that baby sister is soon coming to live with us and that she's currently hanging out in my belly. He often tells us that "Oh- baby sister is kicking me" while clutching his belly and he asks questions like "Will baby sister come in the front door or back door?" and "Can I hold baby sister?" He's also convinced that she will be sharing his bed with him and that she will be sitting right next to him at the table eating what he eats her first day home. It's so incredibly sweet that I'm getting more and more anxious for them to actually meet!

He's all about lovin' baby sister. Let's hope it continues!

36 weeks 2 days!

Twice a week I go in for non-stress tests to check baby's heartbeat for 20-30 minutes. I can honestly say that this has been what has kept me sane since before Christmas. It's so reassuring to hear my little lady's heart beating strong along with all the crazy noises the machine makes when she start squirming- and she seems to love to put on a show!

I've only taken Luke to one appointment by myself after he proved himself to be good when Aunt Gena brought him to one. It's unnerving because I'm strapped to a machine and he IS NOT but he's such a good boy and was so patient. He asked about a million times if he can hear baby sister's "heartbeep" too so we played pretend after I got done.

Luckily he was okay with not having the gel and actual fetal monitors hooked up. Just reclining in the chair next to the computer was enough for him!


Melissa said...

You're off to a good start! When my Luke would kick, Dylan would yell at him and put him in timeout.

Steph said...

Oh, so sweet!!!!! I can't wait!!!!